Friday, August 15, 2014


So this is my first blog post (terrifying right?)
So first things first introductions

Name: Kelsey Ann
Age: 16 
Birthday: June 5th 1998
Location: Michigan

So the topic today if you haven't guessed it is first. First anything! 
SO, to further introduce myself I do the "My First Time" tag

1. FIRST Youtuber Video You Ever Watched: Oh man, so there was this short little YouTube series back in 2010 called IBuddies. I thought it was pretty funny and watched all 30 of them (this doesn't sound like much until you find out the videos were 20 minutes long)

2. FIRST person you subscribed to on YouTube: It was Shane Dawson. I really loved his Degrassi parody he did. 

3. FIRST celebrity crush: I really loved Tom Felton (aka the guy who played Draco in Harry Potter). I have no idea why but I just thought he was a charmer. NO REGRETS

4. Who was your FIRST grade teacher? It was Mrs. Fox I believe. She was really awesome! I actually visited her last summer and she is still awesome.

5. Where was your FIRST sleepover: It was with my bfffffffff Mary Frances. When I was younger I used to have to sleep with a fan on in my room and I remember there wasn't a fan in the room and I made them get me 2:30am. Let's just say I didn't sleepover there for a while.

6. What was the FIRST thing you did this morning: I ate mini wheats and drank decaf coffee!

7. FIRST movie you remember seeing? ELMOPALOOZA! No seriously I was obsessed with this movie when I was little. My parents had all the songs memorized.

8. FIRST sport you were involved in: Soccer. I think it's mandatory for all kids to play soccer at one point.

9. FIRST tweet: It wasn't really a tweet, it was an @ reply to would you guess it, Tom Felton saying "That's the good way." I don't even know. 

10. FIRST Facebook profile pic: It was this sexy photo. In my defense I was 13. 

Right guys well that was special. Put in the comments below your FIRST times! 

Best Wishes,
Kelsey Ann

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